Registration FAQs

1) When is registration?

Registration is open from November 16, 2024 to February 3, 2025.

  • Early registration: 11/16/2024 to 1/8/2025
  • Regular registration: 1/9/2025 to 2/3/2025

2) Who is eligible?

Girls born between 1/1/2008 - 12/31/2020.

3) How do I register?

Click here. Payment by credit card or debit card is the only option for online registration.

4) When are practices and games?

Practices begin by mid-March 2025. Games start in March 2025 and end in May 2025. Practice days and times will be chosen by the coaches just prior to the season starting. Most teams practice 1-2 times a week M-F between 5pm and 9pm. Some teams may hold practices during the weekend. Games are on Saturdays, typically between 8am and 4pm, and times will likely change weekly based on when the team is scheduled to play. Game schedules are released 1 week prior to opening day in mid-March. In the case of Saturday rainouts, games may be rescheduled during weekday evenings of the following week.

5) What are the fees?

Division Early
11/16/24 - 1/8/25
1/9/25 - 2/3/25
6U $75 $75
Coppell Resident
$110 $125
$130 $145

Payment by credit card or debit card is the only option for online registration. Fees include a uniform jersey.

6) What is the DFW Mid Cities Interlock?

CGSA teams will participate in the DFW Mid Cities Interlock league. The Interlock teams will play teams from neighboring associations in Flower Mound, Grapevine, Southlake, and Roanoke. Roughly half of the games will be played in Coppell and the other half will be played in partner cities.

7) What is age cut-off for each division?

The CGSA uses calendar year cut-off for determining play divisions to align with USSSA Softball, Coppell All-Star teams, and other nearby softball associations.

Birth Year Age Division
2018 - 2020 6U
2016 - 2017 8U
2014 - 2015 10U
2012 - 2013 12U
2010 - 2011 14U
2008 - 2009  16U

8) Does a girl have to move up to the next age division if her team moves up but she is still eligible for her previous age division?

No, she does not have to move up. If she is not ready to move up and is still eligible for the lower age division, she may remain and assigned to a new team.

9) How is team placement determined?

All new players are entered into the draft. Returning players that are registered on time will be given priority to return to their Fall 2024 team (see notes regarding coach approval for 8UA and 10UK divisions), or may request to enter the draft. To REQUEST to RETURN to the prior Fall team, please note in the request section when registering. Team rosters will be finalized at the end of registration.

10) 8UC Coach Pitch and 8U Advanced Coach Pitch Divisions

If a returning player, check with your coach to see if team is staying together and will play in 8UC or 8UA divisions described in detail below. If the coach of the team decides to move the team up from 8UC to 8UA, the registrar will seek coach approval before each player is moved to the advanced division. If approval is not confirmed, player will stay in the draft for the lower division.

8UC - This full coach pitch division is the developmental league. The rules are modified in that each batter receives pitches from a coach pitcher until she puts the ball in play, strikes out, or receives 5 pitches. All players must play at least one infield position by the third inning.

8UA - While still a recreational league, the level of competition in this division is considerably higher. It is recommended girls have played for at least one to two seasons of the 8UC coach pitch league before participating in this division and may require coach approval.

11) 10UC Modified Kid/Coach Pitch and 10UK Full Kid Pitch Divisions

If a returning player, check with your coach to see if team is staying together and will play in 10UC or 10UK divisions described in detail below. If the coach of the team decides to move the team up from 10UC to 10UK, the registrar will seek coach approval before each player is moved to the advanced division. If approval is not confirmed, player will stay in the draft for the lower division.

10UC - This modified kid pitch/coach pitch division is the developmental league. The rules are modified in that each batter receives pitches from a player/pitcher until she puts the ball in play, strikes out, or receives 4 balls. After receiving 4 balls, the coach/pitcher for the batting team enters and assumes the strike count.

10UK - While still a recreational league, the level of competition in this division is considerably higher. It is recommended girls have played for at least one year and one to two seasons of the modified kid pitch/coach pitch league before participating in this division and may require coach approval. There will be no coach pitching. Four balls thrown by pitcher will result in a walk.

12) Can I play with a friend?

New players and former players may request a team with a current player of same age. Two new players of same age may request to be on the same team. Subject to date of registration, roster availability, and meeting age requirements.

13) Can we form a new team with friends?

Yes, girls that have not played previously can ALL request to be placed on a team together. So get your friends from Girl Scouts, soccer, or any other group together and form a new team. Please contact the CGSA Registrar if you have any questions. Subject to approval by the CGSA Registrar.

14) How do I register to coach?

We need coaches! Please volunteer to coach a team this Spring 2025 season. If you would like more information regarding a Pre-season Coaching Information session, please email the CGSA registrar at

Click here to volunteer. All CGSA coaches must pass a background check prior to being assigned to a team.